Fire events from the host command line with emergence-fire-event

A new kernel shell command has been provided in the release of emergence v1.0.7 that makes it easy to fire events from the host’s command line. Events are fired within the site via the PHP-FPM interface and so benefit from the hot cache any site may have.

The command will work for any user that has read access to /emergence/services/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock, so by default this means root or any user in the www-data group.

Basic usage

$ emergence-fire-event mysite myevent MyApp/Context

Passing arbitrary key/value pairs in event payload

$ emergence-fire-event mysite myevent MyApp/Context --foo=bar --boo=baz --imtrue

Using in a cron script


* * * * * root /usr/local/bin/emergence-fire-event mysite everyMinute MyApp/Context --send-emails